Yunnan shares its anti-poverty experience with world

The International Department of the CPC Central Committee held a promotion meeting in Beijing on April 27 to share Yunnan’s poverty alleviation measures with visiting foreign parties, ambassadors and diplomats.

Under the theme “targeted poverty alleviation — no ethnic group shall be left behind,” the promotion meeting took Yunnan’s poverty alleviation experience as an example to introduce President Xi Jinping’s new vision, thinking and strategies on China’s governance.

Yunnan Province in Southwest China is one of China’s undeveloped provinces with many ethnic minorities.

Song Tao, minister of the International Department of the CPC Central Committee, said the practice of Yunnan Province in eradicating poverty is a good example of China’s anti-poverty drive and proves that the targeted poverty reduction strategies outlined by President Xi Jinping is key to achieving poverty targets.

After the 18th National Party Congress,the party pledged to wipe out poverty by 2020. A total of 55.64 million people were lifted out of poverty between 2013 and 2016.

“The CPC would like to share the experience in poverty reduction with the international community and help neighboring and developing countries explore their own paths of poverty alleviation,” he added.

Chen Hao, secretary of the CPC Yunnan provincial committee, revealed that the 8 million people living in poverty in the southwestern province in 2012, more than 4.4 million had improved their situation by the end of 2016.

Mark van den Boogaard, senior policy adviser for the United Nations Development Programme, and Javier Miranda, president of Broad Front in Uruguay, have recently returned from a research trip to Yunnan. They said that they were impressed by Yunnan’s success in fighting poverty.

Mark said, “I was impressed by two things. One is the CPC’s comprehensive guidance and the other is the joint efforts of society in the poverty alleviation work.”

Foreign guests who have visited China for many times hailed China’s anti-poverty drive, saying it has set a good example for the world and the CPC’s efforts to lift millions of people out of poverty is unprecedented.