Youth Development Commission welcomes Government’s release of Youth Development Blueprint


     The Youth Development Commission (YDC) warmly welcomes the Youth Development Blueprint (Blueprint) released by the Government today (December 20).

     The Vice-Chairman of the YDC, Mr Kenneth Leung, said, "I am pleased that the Government outlines the overall vision and guiding principles for the long-term youth development work in future through the Blueprint, providing a clear direction for the Government, the business sector and the community to collaborate in promoting youth development work. Besides, I support that the Blueprint puts forward corresponding actions and measures having regard to the development stages of youths to support the diverse needs of young people at different stages and with different backgrounds, so that the younger generation will see hope."

     He expressed appreciation of the Government's acceptance of suggestions raised by members of the YDC, and said that the YDC would work proactively and closely with the Government and other stakeholders to strengthen the cross-bureaux and cross-sectoral co-ordination role of the YDC to complement the implementation and execution of the Blueprint.

     Chaired by the Chief Secretary for Administration, Mr Chan Kwok-ki, the YDC strives to enhance policy co-ordination within the Government for promoting youth development and enable a more holistic and effective examination of and discussion on issues of concern to young people. Since its establishment, the YDC has implemented a wide spectrum of programmes to promote youth exchange, internship, entrepreneurship, life planning and more, so as to actively promote the all-round development of young people, help them develop positive values, and enable them to become a new generation with national pride, a sense of ownership and responsibility, and with an aspiration and willingness to strive for the future of our country and of Hong Kong. Since July this year, the Home and Youth Affairs Bureau, in collaboration with the YDC, have organised and participated in over 170 consultation sessions reaching out to thousands of young people and stakeholders in youth work to assist the Government in formulating the Blueprint.

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