Youth Development Commission calls on young people to get vaccinated


     The Chief Secretary for Administration and Chairman of the Youth Development Commission (YDC), Mr Matthew Cheung Kin-chung, today (April 29), together with the Vice-Chairman of the YDC, Mr Lau Ming-wai, and several YDC members, visited the Community Vaccination Centres at Sun Yat Sen Memorial Park Sports Centre and the Hong Kong Central Library to show support to the young people who got vaccinated there, and to call on young people in Hong Kong to get vaccinated as early as possible to protect themselves, their families and friends.
     Mr Cheung said, "Vaccination is a top priority in the anti-epidemic strategy. The more people getting vaccinated, the greater the effectiveness of our anti-epidemic effort. The COVID-19 Vaccination Programme has been expanded to cover persons aged 16 to 29. I earnestly encourage the public, including young people, to proactively get vaccinated as soon as possible to protect themselves and others, so as to achieve herd immunity as soon possible and enable the community to gradually return to normality."
     He continued, "Since the outbreak of the epidemic, Hong Kong young people have been maintaining a high level of awareness of epidemic prevention. They have been taking care of their families and friends and providing assistance and care for those in need. I encourage young people to uphold the spirit of fighting the epidemic and actively participate in and support the Vaccination Programme by appealing to and accompanying their families and friends to get vaccinated sooner so that we may, with concerted efforts, overcome the epidemic as soon as possible."
     The COVID-19 Vaccination Programme has been expanded to cover all persons aged 16 or above. The minimum age for receiving the BioNTech vaccine is 16, and that for receiving the Sinovac vaccine is 18. Persons in the above age groups can make reservations on the designated website of the Vaccination Programme ( for receiving vaccines at 29 Community Vaccination Centres and 21 general out-patient clinics of the Hospital Authority. They can also make appointments for vaccination with private doctors or clinics participating in the programme. Persons whose identity documents show that they are aged 18 or above can get vaccinated without the need to produce other supporting documents. As for persons aged 16 and 17, they are required to bring along a consent form signed by their parents to receive their vaccinations. The consent form can be downloaded from the designated website.

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