The Green Paper consultation, launched in March, sets out proposals to explore the possibility of creating larger, stronger councils and sets out for debate, possible options on how this can achieved – from voluntary mergers, to a phased approach with early adopters merging first, followed by other authorities, to a comprehensive merger programme.
The proposals aim to ensure councils are able to continue to deliver excellent essential services by providing the support, recognition and reward for the crucial role they play in our democracy.
Alun Davies said:
“Wales needs strong, effective, empowered local authorities which can weather continued austerity and build local democratic structures fit for future generations. I do not believe that our local authorities, as currently constituted, can fully play this role; and I am not alone.
“The next steps we are proposing are game-changing. We have the chance to create new structures to which we can devolve additional powers and with which we can protect the roles and jobs of public service workers. Only then can we deliver excellence in public service, and ensure democratic accountability and decision making within those structures is delivered as close to the citizen as possible.”
We have already received many responses to our consultation, from an array of individuals and organisations, but the Cabinet Secretary said he was keen to hear from as wide a section of society as possible.
Alun Davies continued:
“The consultation closes on 12 June and I would urge everyone who, like me, cares about public service and local accountability, to get involved.”
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