Young workers deserve a better deal


9 July 2017

Younger workers are being failed by the SNP and the Tories. Here’s why.

The SNP Business Pledge – a promise to pay the living wage and not use zero hour contracts amongst other things – has been signed by ZERO hospitality businesses, the government's own figures show.

In fact – so few businesses have signed the pledge that it only covers 0.2 percent of registered Scottish businesses.


Why does this matter?
Hospitality work has the highest levels of young people, on low pay and insecure work, in the Scottish economy. 

Almost a third of workers in hospitality are under 25

29% of those in employment in ‘Distribution, hotels and restaurants’ sector in Scotland are aged between 16-24. 

The hospitality sector has the largest use of zero hour contracts

7% of total employment in accommodation and food services is through zero hour contracts. That is the highest out of the aggregated jobs sectors in the Scottish economy.

The hospitality industry has the lowest median hourly pay across all industries in Scotland

This Scottish Parliament briefing about wages in Scotland shows that ‘accommodation and food service’ as having the lowest median hourly pay in Scotland in 2016 standing at £7.42.

What would Labour do differently?

We’ve got a plan for a better deal for younger workers – like a £10 minimum wage, and an end to exploitative zero hour contracts.

This week, we launched our industrial strategy, a plan to build an economy for the many, not the few.

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