Young persons in custody sit for HKDSE Examination for self-enhancement (with photos)

     A total of 12 young persons in custody enrolled in the Hong Kong Diploma of Secondary Education (HKDSE) Examination this year, enriching themselves to prepare for further studies or employment after release.

     The results of the HKDSE Examination were released today (July 20). The 12 young persons in custody from Pik Uk Correctional Institution (PUCI) and Lai King Correctional Institution, who took a total of 65 examination papers, obtained level 2 or above in 49 papers, or 75.4 per cent of all papers taken. One of the candidates at PUCI scored the highest result with 20 marks overall in six subjects. Another two candidates met the general entrance requirements for local universities.

     The exams sat included the four core subjects of Chinese Language, English Language, Mathematics and Liberal Studies as well as the two electives of Economics and Tourism and Hospitality Studies.

     The Correctional Services Department has provided education to help young persons in custody below 21 years of age to gain accredited qualifications and develop positive values, hoping that they can further their studies, find jobs and reintegrate into society after release. 
     An 18-year-old candidate at PUCI, Siu-kit (false name), scored 18 marks overall in the six papers taken. He was sentenced to the training centre for committing a crime when he was in Form 6. He dreamed of entering a university while he was studying in secondary school to show gratitude to his parents. Unfortunately, his results could not meet the minimum requirements of entering local universities when he took the HKDSE Examination for the first time. He was even sent to jail after making a wrong decision. In the early days of his training in the institution, he felt that he would not have a future and felt extremely sorry for his family. Being encouraged by his family and teachers afterwards, he was determined to make a breakthrough by studying the New Senior Secondary Curriculum again and applying for the HKDSE Examination. This year, he has successfully obtained results which have met the general entrance requirement for local universities.
     Another 18-year-old candidate at PUCI, Lok-chai (false name), scored 17 marks overall in the six papers taken. He had only studied up to the Form 4 level before his conviction. Being affected by online fake information and his peers, he committed a crime and was sentenced to jail. He reflected in the institution, and deeply regretted what he had done. He hoped to turn a new leaf through further study. With the encouragement of his family and teachers, he decided to study the New Senior Secondary Curriculum in the institution in order to obtain higher qualifications. Although he only achieved level 2 in English Language, which cannot meet the general entrance requirement for local universities, he will apply for a higher diploma or an associate degree program. He has also decided to take English Language again next year, hoping to enter university in the future.

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