You can’t trust the Tories’ promises on social care – Barbara Keeley

Barbara Keeley, Labour’s Shadow Mental
Health Minister,

responding to the Tories’ social care announcement ahead of their manifesto,

“You can’t trust the
Tories’ promises on social care. In their last manifesto they promised a cap on
care costs. But they broke their promise, letting older and vulnerable people

“It’s the Tories who have
pushed social care into crisis; their cuts to councils have meant £4.6bn axed
from social care budgets between 2010-2015, leaving 1.2 million
people struggling to get by without care. And NHS bosses have recently said
that the money the Tories promised them won’t help alleviate the problems, with
bosses warning the system won’t see anything like the level of resource

“We need real action to
fix the system, not reheated broken promises with little detail about how
they’ll be delivered.

“While the Tories offer
more of the same failure and broken promises, Labour has pledged action. We’ll
increase social care budgets by £8bn over the lifetime of the Parliament,
including an additional £1bn for the first year. We will set up a National Care
Service to provide the care that people deserve.”