‘You can’t trust the Tories’ – Labour publishes dossier of Tory broken promises ahead of their manifesto launch

of the Conservative Party’s Manifesto launch, Labour is today publishing a
document looking at the Tories’ record of broken promises.

document – entitled: ‘One Tory Manifesto. Two years of Failure. 50 Broken
Promises’ – lists 50 examples of when the Conservatives broke their word. From
the NHS to education, from living standards to policing, the Tories have broken
their promises time and again. 

They promised on the economy, but they have
missed every debt and deficit target they set themselves

They promised to raise living standards, but working
families are set to be on average over £1,400 a year worse off

They promised to improve all standards of NHS care,
but A&Es are in their worst state on record and hospitals are in
financial crisis

They promised to protect school spending, but per
pupil spending is going down and class sizes are soaring

they launch their latest manifesto, it is a reminder that the Tories can’t be
trusted to keep their word.

Gwynne, Labour’s National Election Co-ordinator
, said:

“When Theresa May launches the Tory manifesto we can
expect her to make a raft of promises to the British people. But, as the
Conservatives make their latest solemn pledge there’s one thing we must bear in
mind: we’ve been here before.

“Theresa May pretends
otherwise, but she is a politician with a track record of failure and broken
promises. From the economy to the NHS, and policing to schools, Theresa May’s
Tories have failed again and again to deliver on the pledges they made.

“They made promises, they
quickly broke them; they would do so again. The Tories can’t be trusted.
Britain cannot afford five more years of them and their broken promises.”