Yet more division at the top of government- McDonnell


McDonnell MP,
Labour’s Shadow Chancellor, responding to the Chancellor’s
comments on public sector pay, said:

represents yet more division at the top of government. The Chancellor’s remarks
show that he is more interested in fighting with his fellow Tory cabinet
colleagues, than for better incomes for working families in our country.

“The firefighters, police
officers, nurses, and ambulance drivers who put their lives on the line every
day to keep us safe have been abandoned by a Tory government intent on holding
down their pay, while ploughing ahead with tax giveaways to a wealthy few.

"It is now time for this
out-of-touch Chancellor and shambolic Government to stand aside. Only a Labour
Government will give our public sector workers the pay rise they deserve and
end austerity in the national interest.”


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