Yau Tsim Mong District Management Committee finished joint operation to clear miscellaneous articles (with photos)


     The Yau Tsim Mong District Office, together with relevant Government departments including the Food and Environmental Hygiene Department (FEHD) and the Yau Tsim District of Hong Kong Police Force, conducted a special joint operation outside the Yau Ma Tei Jockey Club General Out-patient Clinic (the Clinic) today (February 28) to clear miscellaneous articles at the site.

     The Government has been carrying out regular cleansing operations at the site due to the large amount of miscellaneous articles placed outside the Clinic for a long time, which caused obstruction to passageway, produced unpleasant smell and affected public hygiene.  Considering that the Clinic has recently been selected as a designated clinic for treating confirmed cases of COVID-19, the Yau Tsim Mong District Management Committee (YTMDMC) had posted notices several times around the Clinic since last week, informing the public that miscellaneous articles left at the public area outside the front and rear entrances of the Clinic would be cleared and disposed this week.  Any person who was the owner of the articles concerned should remove them before today.  The FEHD also posted a notice yesterday in accordance with the Public Health and Municipal Services Ordinance (Cap 132) on the miscellaneous articles found outside the Clinic, reminding the people concerned that these articles would be removed after a specified time for street cleaning and disinfection work.

     The YTMDMC thanked parties concerned for their cooperation by removing a large amount of articles before the operation.  During today’s operation, the miscellaneous articles remained outside the Clinic have been cleared and disposed.  Other articles have been handed over to the FEHD for temporary custody for 7 days, or have been passed to the Police as lost property.  After the operation, the YTMDMC posted a notice at the site, notifying that any person who believes he/she is the owner of the articles concerned may claim them from the Police or the FEHD.  The YTMDMC expressed gratitude to district personalities for their support to the operation.  The relevant departments cleaned and disinfected the area concerned.

     To avoid obstruction and environmental hygiene problems, the Government appeals to all relevant persons again not to place or keep objects or articles at public places.

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