Yan Chai Hospital announces a staff member tested positive for COVID-19

The following is issued on behalf of the Hospital Authority:

     â€‹The spokesperson for Yan Chai Hospital (YCH) made the following announcement today (February 1) regarding an executive assistant who tested positive for COVID-19:
     An executive assistant of YCH Orthopaedics and Traumatology (O&T) Rehabilitation Ward sought consultation of a private doctor on January 29 due to throat discomfort and cough. Her deep throat saliva specimen subsequently tested positive for COVID-19. The staff member is now under isolation treatment at North Lantau Hospital Hong Kong Infection Control Centre and is in stable condition.
     The hospital infection control team commenced contact tracing immediately. A patient care assistant was identified as a close contact and to be quarantined due to having a meal with the staff concerned on January 26. The test result for COVID-19 of the patient care assistant is negative.
     The staff concerned is responsible for clerical work at the O&T rehabilitation ward and there is no direct patient contact. Her last duty was on January 28 and she was equipped with appropriate personal protective equipment at work. Furthermore, she has tested negative by rapid antigen test on January 25 and 27 respectively.
     Thorough cleaning and disinfection have been arranged at the ward concerned and infection control measures have been reinforced. YCH will continue to closely monitor the health condition of staff members and communicate with the Centre for Health Protection on the latest situation.