Wrexham projects making a difference to communities


The Minister’s first stop was at the Coedpoeth Youth and Play Project which has benefited from the Welsh Government’s All Wales Play Opportunities Grant to adopt a joined up approach to the delivery of play work and youth work provision in the local community.

One of the aims of the project is to facilitate more interactions between different ages of children. The project began simply with a small, donated shipping container for resources, but now a more substantial and insulated space is being provided for children and young people with more shelter and one they can call their own. This will also help to raise the profile of the project in the local area. More than 140 young people attended the project between April 2017 and April 2018.

The Minister then visited the ‘Take Five’ group in Caia Park which is weekly drop in session to support the perinatal mental health of mothers from the antenatal period up to the child being one year of age.  Within the group, the mothers have the opportunity to try new activities and experiences aimed at wellbeing. The group runs twice a week, with 90 per cent of families attending benefiting from the Welsh Government’s Flying Start scheme.

Following his visits, Huw Irranca-Davies said:

“I was really pleased to visit the Coedpoeth Youth and Play Project and the ‘Take Five’ group which are playing a vital part in improving people’s lives in the Wrexham area.

“In Coedpoeth, children and young people are being brought together to participate in a range of valuable opportunities to play and enjoy their leisure time which will help develop their mental and physical wellbeing.

“The Take Five group in Caia Park is proving essential in meeting the needs of perinatal mothers with early indicators or who are at risk of developing a post-natal mental health issue.

“These programmes are helping strengthen people’s feelings of happiness, enjoyment and engagement which in turn build positive life experiences. Today’s visits really show the tangible difference Welsh Government funding is making.”

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