Workman II of Housing Department tests preliminarily positive for COVID-19

     The Housing Department yesterday (February 8) learned that a Workman II of the Mobile Operations Unit had tested preliminarily positive for COVID-19.

     The Workman II undertook testing in accordance with a compulsory testing notice. He tested preliminarily positive for COVID-19 yesterday.

     He worked in Shek Lei (I) Estate, Kwai Chung. He last worked in the office on January 31. He had been wearing masks and was following relevant disease prevention measures at work.

     While awaiting further assessment and recommendations by the Department of Health, all staff who might have been in contact with the workman concerned have been arranged to undergo COVID-19 testing.

     The office has been fully cleaned and sterilised in accordance with the guidelines of the Centre for Health Protection (CHP).

     The Housing Department will continue to maintain close liaison with the CHP and co-operate with its disease prevention measures and quarantine work.