Working people deserve better than Tory failure – Andrew Gwynne

Andrew Gwynne MP, responding to Theresa May’s speech at
the launch of the Tory local elections campaign, said:

“The Tories cannot give Britain the change we need. Theresa
May talks of a country that works for everyone, but for the last seven years
the Tories have failed ordinary working people and plunged our public services
into crisis.

“When Theresa May says she has a plan for Britain, what she
means is a plan to run the NHS into the ground, squeeze people’s living
standards, reintroduce unfair selection in our schools and drive us towards a
risky Brexit which threatens jobs, growth and workers’ rights.

“Theresa May’s claims on Council Tax are misleading. The
truth is that where Labour controls the local council, households will pay on
average £336 less next year than those living in Tory areas. People are better
off with a Labour council.

“Working people deserve better than Tory failure – only
Labour will stand up for them and their families.”