Working Family and Student Financial Assistance Agency staff member tests preliminarily positive for COVID-19

     The Working Family and Student Financial Assistance Agency (WFSFAA) today (February 2) said that a staff member of the Working Family Allowance Office tested preliminarily positive for COVID-19.

     The staff member works on 7/F, 181 Hoi Bun Road, Kwun Tong. She had no contact with the public in her daily work and last went to work on January 27. She had been wearing a mask at work and followed relevant disease prevention measures.

     The WFSFAA will arrange for all staff of that floor to undergo testing and work from home until the test result is ascertained. It will arrange thorough cleaning and disinfection at the premises concerned and maintain close liaison with the Centre for Health Protection of the Department of Health in taking appropriate follow-up actions.

     The WFSFAA will continue to strictly implement various disease prevention measures. Staff members are reminded to pay attention to personal hygiene and stay vigilant at all times. They should seek medical advice immediately and inform the WFSFAA if they feel unwell.