Workers working for the Central Kowloon Route – Central Tunnel under the Highways Department tested positive for COVID-19

     The Highways Department (HyD) said today (January 9) that workers working for the Central Kowloon Route – Central Tunnel contract (Contract No.: HY/2018/08) were tested positive for COVID-19.
     The HyD was informed yesterday (January 8) that a worker from the contractor at the Ma Tau Kok works site was tested positive for COVID-19. The contractor liaised with the Centre for Health Protection (CHP) immediately, and carried out thorough cleaning and disinfection at the Ma Tau Kok works site. All personnel working for the said works contract were arranged to be tested for COVID-19.
     As at 1pm today, the HyD was informed that six more workers working for the contractor at the Ma Tau Kok and the Ho Man Tin works sites have been preliminary tested positive for COVID-19.
     The main contractor of the said works contract is Bouygues Travaux Publics. The first worker tested positive felt sick and sought medical advice himself on January 6.  He was notified of his positive result on January 8, and he last performed duty on January 5. The six workers preliminary tested positive last performed duties on Jaunary 8 morning.
     During the COVID-19 epidemic, the contractor has strictly implemented precautionary measures in the said works site including checking body temperature at the site entrance for all personnel, providing surgical masks and other protective equipment. All personnel were required to wear a surgical mask, while cleaning and disinfection works were also enhanced on site.
     The HyD said the Ma Tau Kok works site was temporarily suspended yesterday and all other works sites under the said works contract were also temporarily suspended today, thorough cleaning and disinfection would be carried out in accordance with the guidelines provided by the CHP. All personnel working for the said works contract would be arranged to be tested. The contractor will maintain close liaison with the CHP, following up on further arrangements.