Wokingham funding grants

I have now obtained more of the details of some of the many grants Wokingham Borough gets from the government. The Councillors seem unaware of all this money or want to keep quiet about it.

Funding Segment Total Spend (£)
Council Tax Requirement excluding parish precepts                                  129,957,000
Settlement Funding Assessment                                    16,068,000
Help to Buy                                    10,802,000
New Homes Bonus                                      4,765,000
Homes for Ukraine                                      4,478,000
Social Care Grant                                      3,140,000
Compensation for under-indexing the business rates multiplier                                      1,578,000
Disabled Facilities Grants                                      1,076,000
2022/23 Services Grant                                      1,064,000
Local Authority Housing Fund                                          932,000
Homelessness and Rough Sleeping                                          808,000
Improved Better Care Fund                                          472,000
Adjustment for rolled in grants                                          387,000
Supporting Families Programme                                          379,000
Lower Tier Service Grant                                          338,000
Market Sustainability and Fair Cost of Care Fund                                          271,000
Domestic Abuse                                          248,000
Planning Inspectorate                                          186,000
UK Shared Prosperity Fund                                          104,000
Reopening High Streets Safely                                          102,000
Local Government Digital Transformation                                          100,000
Changing Places                                            80,000
European Regional Development Fund                                            45,000
Local Government Finance Family Annexes                                            40,000
Grenfell Site                                            39,000
Constitution, Union and Elections                                            27,000
Mandating Data Transparency                                            14,000
Resilience Team                                            12,000
Affordable Housing                                              9,000
Planning Delivery Fund                                              6,000
HCA Land Assembly Fund                                              2,000
Integration                                              1,000
Markets, Partners and Places                                                      –
Local Growth Fund                                                      –
LA Land Release Fund                                                      –
Shielding                                                      –