With rising number of girls at risk, world in ‘race against time’ to end female genital mutilation – UN

6 February 2018 – Female genital mutilation is a violent act that, among other things, causes infection, disease, childbirth complications and death, said the Executive Directors of the United Nations Population Fund (UNFPA) and UN Children’s Fund (UNICEF) in a joint statement for the International Day of Zero Tolerance for Female Genital Mutilation (FGM).

Describing FGM as &#8220a cruel practice&#8221 that inflicts emotional harm and preys on girls between infancy and age 15, the most vulnerable members of society, the UN agency chiefs called it a &#8220violation of human rights&#8221 that perpetuates the low status of girls and women; and a drag on the well-being of communities and economies.

&#8220Yet, it is also something that can be stopped,&#8221 UNFPA’s Dr. Natalaia Kanem, and UNICEF’s Henrietta H. Fore said in Tuesday’s statement.

&#8220Around the world, momentum to eliminate female genital mutilation is building. Political will, community engagement and targeted investment are changing practices and changing lives,&#8221 they added.

In countries where both agencies work jointly to end FGM, girls are one-third less likely today to undergo the harmful practice than in 1997.

Since 2008, more than 25 million people in some 18,000 communities across 15 countries publicly disavowed the practice, and globally its prevalence has declined by nearly a quarter since 2000.

&#8220This is good for girls and young women themselves; it is also good for their families and communities,&#8221 the agency heads stressed.

Girls who are not subjected to the practice tend to grow up to be healthier and have healthier children, they elaborated, pointing out that they are often &#8220better educated, earn higher incomes and are more empowered to make decisions about their own lives.&#8221

The UN agencies also noted that the countries committed to changing the harmful practice reap commensurate benefits.

&#8220This is the good news,&#8221 they continued. &#8220Yet, population trends in some of the world’s poorest countries where female genital mutilation persists threaten to roll back our progress.&#8221

By 2030, more than one-third of births globally will be in the 30 FGM countries &#8211 requiring accelerated progress to protect millions at risk.

&#8220It is unconscionable that these girls should be added to the 200 million women and girls in the world today who have already endured female genital mutilation. Who already bear the scars, or suffer related complications, or relive harsh memories of pain and betrayal,&#8221 they stressed.

&#8220Nobody &#8211 not the girls, their families or communities &#8211 benefits economically or socially in unequal societies where such violence against girls is accepted,&#8221 argued the UNICEF and UNFPA chiefs.

They maintained that FGM rates can drop rapidly when the issue is taken on by governments, communities and families; when social norms are confronted, village by village; when medical professionals jointly refuse to perform it; when laws make it a crime &#8211 and authorities enforce them; when access to health, education and legal services ensure sustainable change; and where girls and women are protected and empowered to make their voices heard.

The Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) recognize that female genital mutilation undermines progress towards a more equal, just and prosperous world, and target by 2030 its elimination.

Given the rising number of girls at risk, both agencies call it &#8220a race against trends.&#8221

With increased investment, redoubled political commitment, greater community engagement and more empowered women and girls, the agency heads upheld, &#8220it is a race that can be won. And because it can, it must.&#8221

&#8220It is high time to eliminate female genital mutilation from the face of the earth forever. It is a task for all of us, and for our common future,&#8221 the statement concluded.

For his part, Secretary-General António Guterres called FGM &#8220a gross violation of the human rights of women and girls.&#8221

&#8220Without concerted, accelerated action, a further 68 million girls could be subjected to this harmful practice by 2030,&#8221 he warned in his message marking the Day.

The UN chief pointed out that while several countries with strong political engagement have seen success, the progress is not enough to keep up with population growth, and without immediate action, the number of cases will continue to rise.

&#8220Sustainable development cannot be achieved without full respect for the human rights of women and girls,&#8221 he upheld, reiterating SDG 5’s target for FMG elimination.

He said that together with the European Union, the UN has launched the Spotlight Initiative, a global, multi-year undertaking that aims to create strong partnerships and align efforts to end all forms of violence against women and girls, including female genital mutilation.

&#8220With the dignity, health and well-being of millions of girls at stake, there is no time to waste,&#8221 underscored the Secretary-General. &#8220Together, we can and must end this harmful practice.&#8221