Why Parliament stands adjourned and when it should return

Parliament rightly has adjourned to pay respects to our late Queen and to allow the use of the Palace of Westminster for the solemn proceedings before the funeral around the lying in state. On current plans the House of Commons will not meet again until October 17th.  We need to get back to Parliamentary work sooner than mid October given the shortened September session and given the urgent tasks that await the new government.

There is a need to produce a detailed scheme of help to businesses facing impossible fuel bills. We need to debate and legislate the full package of energy measures to increase supply and ease the cost of living and cost of doing business crises. We want to hear the Chancellor’s Financial Statement and cut the taxes as promised.

MPs will want to hear from the new Home Secretary how she will defeat the dangerous people trafficking across the Channel, and develop the points based migration system. We wish to learn more of the new Health Secretary’s plans to get waiting times down and cut waiting lists. How will a range of Ministers unite to produce a growth strategy?

It is right we show our respects to the late Queen and right Palace and government are united to organise the State funeral. We must then pick up the pace of changing things for the better.