Why do so many Councils hate drivers?

The hypocrisy of Council reserved car parks never fails to annoy me. The architects of our current road misery so often have reserved areas in a car park next to the Council offices for their cars when they do make it into the office  to tell the rest of us to leave our cbars at home.

My journeys these days like yours are beset by closed roads, narrowed traffic lanes, more traffic lights, more 20 mph, 30 mph and 40 mph zones, endless changes of speed limit and access rules, ever dearer and more restricted municipal parking. Huge sums are spent on remodelling the roads and junctions, putting up forests of new signs and controls,  and on installing more cameras than in a communist state . These Councils  seek to collect easy revenue from drivers who make a mistake and dare to go 23 mph in what was a 30 mile an hour zone or who get stranded behind a vehicle just across the lines of a box junction.

The Councils love inventing new tortures and increasing their revenues from their anti driver scams. It never occurs to them that they might one day need the ambulance or doctor to get to them quickly by vehicle. They forget that the plumber or decorator or window cleaner they need at home might find it all too much, or put their prices up  because traffic delays means fewer visits in a working day. They delight in letting contracts for temporary traffic lights and barriers so the taxpayer has to pay for weeks of their hire, often for long periods when no works are proceeding on the road.

Why do they hate us so much?