Which factors most affect trust in institutions?
This graph presents the various factors that impact an individual’s trust in institutions. It shows that the biggest positive factor is the perceived quality of public services, education also plays a strong role with higher levels of education resulting in higher levels of trust. The biggest negative factor on trust in institutions is the level of perceived societal tensions.
The graph is a preview of the new report on Societal change and trust in institutions, due to be released in November, which provides an analysis of the European Quality of Life Survey 2016 showing developments of European societies in terms of trust in institutions, such as the national parliament, government, legal system, police, local authorities, banks, humanitarian or charitable organisations, and news media.
• Sign-up to receive the report as soon as it is released: Societal change and trust in institutions
• The Quality of Life Survey 2016 is currently available to download and order: EQLS Overview report