WHETO hosts seminar on assisting Hong Kong enterprises in Hubei Province to resume work and production and explore investment opportunities (with photos)


     The Economic and Trade Office of the Government of the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region in Wuhan (WHETO), the Department of Commerce of Hubei Province and the Hong Kong Chamber of Commerce in China-Wuhan today (September 1) jointly hosted the Seminar of Assisting the Hong Kong Enterprises in Hubei Province to Resume Work & Production and Explore Investment Opportunities in Wuhan, Hubei Province. The Director of the WHETO, Mr Vincent Fung; the Deputy Director of the Department of Commerce of Hubei Province, Mr Hu Zhonghai; and the President of the Hong Kong Chamber of Commerce in China-Wuhan, Mr Tse Chun-ming, attended and addressed the seminar. The Vice President of the Chinese Manufacturers' Association of Hong Kong, Dr Wong Chun, addressed the seminar online.
     The representatives of the Hong Kong enterprises in Hubei Province updated their situation in resuming work and production after the pandemic. The officials from the Department of Commerce of Hubei Province, the Hong Kong and Macao Affairs Office in Hubei, the Hubei Provincial Development and Reform Commission, the Human Resources and Social Security Department of Hubei Province, the Department of Housing and Urban-Rural Development of Hubei Province, the Hubei Provincial Tax Service and the Wuhan Municipal Commerce Bureau explained the preferential policies about resuming work and production, and responded to questions raised by the Hong Kong enterprises.
     In order to meet the requirement of the epidemic's prevention, the number of Hong Kong enterprises attending the seminar onsite was limited. At the same time, other attendees joined the seminar by watching the event's live broadcast, including representatives of Hong Kong enterprises in Hubei Province and Hong Kong businessmen who are interested about the business environment and investment opportunities in Hubei. More than 130 guests attended the seminar online and onsite.

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