West Kowloon Government Offices Student Health Service Centre officially opens (with photos)


     The West Kowloon Government Offices Student Health Service Centre (SHSC) officially opened today (November 1) to offer health promotion and disease prevention services for primary and secondary school students. The centre operates under the Family and Student Health Branch of the Department of Health (DH).
     The West Kowloon Government Offices SHSC is located on 2/F, South Tower, West Kowloon Government Offices, at 11 Hoi Ting Road in Yau Ma Tei. The SHSC is the 13th set up under the DH and is estimated to provide services to about 32 000 students in each academic year.
     Primary and secondary day school students who have enrolled in the Student Health Service will be given an annual appointment for health assessment at an SHSC to receive services meeting the health needs at various stages of their development. These services include physical examination; screening for health problems related to growth, nutrition, blood pressure, vision, hearing, the spine, psychological health and behaviour; individual health counselling; and health education.
     Students found to have health problems will be referred to the Special Assessment Centres (SACs) of the Student Health Service, specialist clinics of the Hospital Authority or other institutions for detailed assessment, follow-up or treatment. Assessments in the SACs include assessments by clinical psychologists, dietitians, optometrists and audiologists, as well as further spinal assessment.
     Health talks on specific topics and health education through various means will be conducted regularly in the SHSC for participation by students and parents. For more information on the DH's Student Health Service, please visit its website (www.studenthealth.gov.hk).

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