West End Surgeries #dundeewestend


With the school summer holidays fast approaching, this evening at Blackness Primary School (pictured right), I hold my final surgery at 6.15pm sharp – the last until the new school term begins in August. 

During the summer break I can be contacted as follows :
  • Home telephone number : 459378 (any time)
  • Office telephone number at the City Council : 434985 (office hours Monday to Friday)
  • E-surgery : esurgery@frasermacpherson.org.uk (any time)

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West End Surgeries #dundeewestend


With the school summer holidays fast approaching, this evening at Blackness Primary School (pictured right), I hold my final surgery at 6.15pm sharp – the last until the new school term begins in August. 

During the summer break I can be contacted as follows :
  • Home telephone number : 459378 (any time)
  • Office telephone number at the City Council : 434985 (office hours Monday to Friday)
  • E-surgery : esurgery@frasermacpherson.org.uk (any time)

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