Welsh Government’s Wales for Africa Grant now open


There is approximately £150,000 available in this round. We are seeking applications looking to deliver mutually beneficial projects between Africa and Wales that support the themes of Health, Lifelong Education, Sustainable Livelihoods and Environment and Climate Change.

Following on from the success of 2018/2019 round which saw 29 projects being funded, Welsh Government would like to encourage applications for the 2019/2020 round. This round of funding is for the main grants between £5000 – £15,000 and will be launched on the 04 March, with a closing date of April 28.

There will also be an opportunity to apply for small grants between £500 – £5,000 in the autumn.

Announcing this year’s funding, the Minister for International Relations and Welsh Language Eluned Morgan said: 

“Our Wales for Africa grants programme transforms the lives of tens of thousands of people from across this beautiful and diverse continent every year. I encourage community groups and organisations to bid for a share of this funding and work with us.

I’m proud that through projects like these we can continue to build relationships between Wales and Africa, not only improving lives in Africa, but also bringing benefits to Wales by allowing volunteers to exchange skills and have life-changing experiences.”

Ruth Marks, WCVA Chief Executive, said:

“WCVA is delighted to be working with Welsh Government to deliver the Wales for Africa Scheme. 

“It makes a real difference to people’s lives by granting funding to projects that improve health, education and our environment.

“In the 2018/19 round awards were made to a wide range of innovative projects that are making a positive difference in Africa and Wales. We look forward to receiving further applications for 2019/20.”

More information on the Welsh Government Wales for Africa grant scheme on the WCVA website.

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