Welsh Government urges people to #Talkparenting

The campaign, which is being launched today, aims to engage widely with people across Wales to help inform the Welsh Government’s legislative proposals on removing the defence of reasonable punishment. Its purpose is to learn more about people’s practical understanding of the current law and to identify any concerns about how a change in law would be implemented. 

Those with parenting responsibilities, and others with an interest, are invited to provide their views via a survey about parenting and discipline on the Welsh Government website. The website also hosts a “Frequently Asked Questions” section and infographics illustrating general parental attitudes to physical punishment. People can also take part in an online conversation on social media using #Talkparenting,  

The Cabinet Secretary said: “There is an increasing body of evidence showing that physical punishment is not effective and is potentially harmful to children; yet it is still legal. 

“I want to address this anomaly and send a clear message that the physical punishment of children is no longer acceptable in a modern  society. I also believe that removing the defence of reasonable punishment will encourage parents of young children to use more positive parenting techniques, which are proven to be more effective.

“I urge parents and all those with an interest to keep an eye out on social media for our #Talkparenting campaign and to give us their views.”