Welsh Government invests over £7million to help local authorities become energy efficient and reduce carbon emissions


Monmouthshire Council will receive £4.5million funding through the Welsh Government’s Invest to Save Green Growth Fund, allowing it to run its own solar park on council owned land.

The Oak Grove Solar Farm in Monmouthshire has the potential to generate enough electricity to power around 1,400 homes. It will also save more than 2,000 tonnes of CO2e  per year by generating clean, renewable energy.

Flintshire Council will receive £3.13m for an ambitious project to upgrade 11,000 street lights to LED equivalents, saving the Local Authority around £360,000 and 1,387 tCO2e annually.

The change will also improve lighting levels and reduce the number of faults occurring on the network each year, cutting down maintenance costs as a result.

The approved funding brings the total investment by the Welsh Government through its Green Growth Wales initiative over the past year to £14million. This funding is helping local authorities to become more energy efficient and save money.

Incomes and savings generated by the local authorities from the projects will be used to repay the investment, support local community projects and leave the council with a net income.

The Cabinet Secretary for Environment and Rural Affairs, Lesley Griffiths said:

“Through our Green Growth Wales initiative, we are supporting the development of public sector energy efficiency and renewable energy projects. I am delighted we have been able to support these ambitious projects, which will save significant money for the future. These projects have huge potential and all public bodies should be developing green growth projects like this to deliver decarbonisation in Wales.”

Cabinet Secretary for Finance, Mark Drakeford, said:

“At a time of reducing budgets, public services need to think and work differently. I’m pleased to see this fund will not only enable these councils to generate savings but also become more energy efficient, improving the wellbeing of local communities.”

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