Welsh Government and GPC Wales agree changes to the GP contract for 2017/18  

As a result of the agreed changes to the contract investment in general medical service will increase by approximately £27m. 

This investment includes an uplift of 2.7% for GP pay and expenses for 2017/18  which covers: 

  • a pay increase of 1%;
  • a general expenses uplift of 1.4% to cover practice costs;
  • a contribution towards the rising costs of professional indemnity; 
  • a contribution  towards the increased costs of the pensions administration ;
  • an increase in funding for maternity, parental leave and sickness absence;
  • a contribution towards the business improvement levy.

The investment also includes provision for new enhanced services covering care homes; warfarin management , diabetes and the delivery of secondary care initiated phlebotomy test.  GP practices will provide; 

  • an enhanced service to all 22,700 nursing and residential care home residents in Wales, aimed at reducing variations in care;
  • a new Diabetes Local Enhanced Service will be offered by all GP practices  providing a  more comprehensive package of care to patients across Wales;
  • all GPs in Wales will offer a new Warfarin management service., meeting NICE guidelines ensuring the service  is carried out in the practice where other health issues and prescribing changes are discussed;
  • resources to recognise the workload associated with undertaking phlebotomy requests generated from outside the practice.

GPC Wales, Welsh Government and NHS Wales have also agreed to work in close collaboration in 2017/18 to modernise the contract to better meet the needs of the public and GPs. This includes:

  • improving access to services;
  • reducing unnecessary bureaucracy and improving ways in which the quality of care is monitored;
  • addressing the rising costs of GP professional indemnity.

Health Secretary Vaughan Gething said:

“In Wales, our collaborative approach to the challenge of providing high-quality healthcare sets us apart.  

“We have worked closely with our GP colleagues to create solutions that deliver the best care for patients. I’m confident that this approach of working in partnership is the right one, as we continue to transform primary care in Wales. It provides a strong platform for GPs to continue to provide high quality, sustainable, healthcare”

Chair of GPC Wales, Dr Charlotte Jones said: 

“GPC Wales welcomes the collaborative approach taken by Welsh Government to help address the challenges facing GPs in Wales. I am certain that this approach will deliver the best outcomes for GPs and patients alike. 

“The contract changes announced today will be part of a longer piece of work to review the entire contract and make it fit for the future. 

“GPC Wales is looking forward to engaging in ongoing collaborative discussions over the months ahead.

“Additionally, we welcome the ongoing investment into clusters, the recently announced £40m for premises development, and the £95m for training healthcare professionals that will support primary care. These funds go hand in hand with today’s announcement, with the ultimate aim of strengthening primary care.”