Welsh companies need full Single Market access

TWI Ltd offers technology and ongoing support services to improve customers’ welding, joining and allied processes and to demonstrate product performance. Companies like TWI Technology offer their customers a complex mix of both goods and services and the Minister said it is vital they continue to benefit from full and unfettered access to the EU Single Market.

Rebecca Evans said:

“It was extremely useful to meet the team at TWI and to discuss how they are planning for when we leave the European Union.  

“I am concerned that the UK Government’s White Paper on Brexit is advocating a different trading relationship with the EU for services than for goods.

“We have repeatedly warned that the UK cannot take the huge economic risk of cutting ourselves adrift from the Single Market and Customs Union. This is particularly true for manufacturing sectors and specialist services, which in Wales are so important in providing high-paid, high-skilled jobs.

“Welsh businesses benefit hugely from our current position in the EU Single Market and the message from firms like TWI is clear; this access must continue for business to thrive. At the Ministerial Forum in Cardiff today I will urge the UK Government to listen to Welsh businesses and to commit to securing the access that firms like TWI require.

“The White Paper was a belated step in the right direction and provides a better starting point to begin negotiations, but much more flexibility is needed from the UK Government to deliver a Brexit which works for Wales.”