We welcome the overall increase in employment, but are deeply concerned that millions have faced a real terms pay cut under this Government – Debbie Abrahams

Abrahams MP, Labour’s Shadow Work and Pensions Secretary, commenting on today’s
Labour Market Statistics, said:

welcome the overall increase in employment, but are deeply concerned that
millions have faced a real terms pay cut under this Government.

cost of basic essentials continues to rise as real wages decline under the
Conservatives. Millions are struggling to get by while Theresa May hands £1
billion to the DUP to keep herself in a job.

many people also continue to face barriers to getting a job on the basis of
their age, ethnicity, disability or where they live. These same groups bear the
brunt of this Government’s failed austerity plans.

“A Labour government will implement a real Living Wage of £10 per
hour, and bring an immediate
end to Tory austerity.”