We can end child poverty

More than a quarter of a million kids in Scotland live in poverty.

We think that’s a national scandal, so today we are launching a manifesto exclusively on tackling child poverty.

The facts: child poverty in Scotland

– 260,000 kids live in poverty in Scotland
– That’s a 40,000 increase on last year
– 70 per cent of kids in poverty are in working families
– 467,000 Scots earn less than the living wage 

Here are just 5 things from our plan that will make a difference:

1. Boosting Child Benefit by £240 a year by the end of the decade
2. A £10 minimum wage
3. Doubling the Sure Start maternity grant to £1,030
4. A twice a year ‘seasonal grant’ for the poorest families
5. Building 60,000 new homes, including 45,000 for social rent

This is the difference Labour can make by focusing on ending child poverty, not a second divisive independence referendum that the majority of Scots don’t want.

We can make these changes at Holyrood and Westminster

A UK Labour government will deliver a £10 minimum wage and end austerity across the UK.

But we can make different choices at the Scottish Parliament too. Labour’s plan to boost Child Benefit by £240 a year by the end of the decade is something we can deliver with the new powers of the Scottish Parliament.

The SNP and the Tories should be focused on cutting child poverty, not a second independence referendum or a hard Brexit.

The SNP and the Tories are both focused on dividing our society – be it through an unwanted and unnecessary second independence referendum in the case of Nicola Sturgeon, or further austerity with Theresa May.

Only Labour will focus on ending child poverty and deliver a government for the many, not the few.

You can read our full plan here.