We are no clearer on what kind of Brexit the UK government wants – First Minister


The First Minister has outlined his concerns that Theresa May has yet to adequately explain the kind of new relationship with Brussels she would like after the transition period more than 20 months after the referendum.

In contrast the Welsh Government has published evidence, analysis and detailed proposals for a Brexit that would protect jobs and the Welsh economy.

The First Minister said:

“We are only 12 months away from formally leaving the EU and the people of Wales still have no idea about the post-Brexit deal the Prime Minister wants with Brussels. The transition deal was welcome, but we shouldn’t lose sight of the bigger picture. The reality is we still do not know what we are ‘transitioning’ to. Long-term uncertainty has not disappeared, the shape of our trade relationship remains unclear and this is bad for business and investment.

“As the Prime Minister recently said herself we all need to face up to some hard facts. This is sound advice for the UK government itself. There still seems to be no agreement at the heart of Whitehall on the kind of post-Brexit relationship with the EU they want.

“The UK faces prolonged negotiations where tough issues will need to be resolved. If the government does not budge from its ‘red lines’, we face the prospect of a future relationship with the EU-27 which will do serious damage to our economy. We need clear decisions, transparency and the ability to legitimately scrutinise choices that will have an impact for generations to come. 

“The clock is ticking. Businesses and the public sector need to be able to plan for this huge change but the lack of clarity from the UK government is making this all but impossible. I am not questioning Brexit – the UK is leaving the EU. But we deserve to know what the plan is.

“By contrast, we have based our priorities on evidence and on putting the needs of the economy first. We will continue to fight for a sensible Brexit that protects Wales’ economy and jobs. Pragmatism and common sense needs to prevail to deliver a successful Brexit.”

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