Water Supplies Department to resume public services


     The Water Supplies Department (WSD) announced today (April 29) that its public services will be resumed from May 4 (Monday). 

     The H2OPE Centre (Water Resources Public Education Centre) will be reopened on that day (May 4). To avoid the gathering of crowds and to foster social distancing, special arrangements will be implemented at the Centre upon its reopening. The number of admissions to the Centre will be limited. If the number of visitors inside the Centre has reached the limit, admissions will only be allowed when visitors are leaving the Centre. All visitors are required to wear their own face masks and will be subject to temperature checks before admission. Children under the age of 12 will only be allowed to enter when accompanied by an adult. Interactive exhibits, "Water+Theatre" and guided tours of the Centre will be suspended. The WSD will step up cleaning measures at the Centre and review the above arrangements in due course.

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