Want to turn your passion into a successful career? The answer is apprenticeships

Four individuals, who are undertaking apprenticeships in these fields, feature in a new campaign titled The Answer is Apprenticeships which highlights the breadth of apprenticeships on offer to young people in Wales.

Timed to coincide with students receiving exam results over the summer but aimed at all young people, including those who are NEET, the campaign highlights that apprenticeships could be the answer to gaining the qualifications and skills young people might need for their chosen career. 

The campaign will signpost people to Apprenticeship Matching Service on the Careers Wales website where details about the levels and subjects are available to them and individuals can search the range of opportunities and apply online for vacancies.

The campaign aimed at young people and the parents who will be guiding them through their decisions will run for the next five weeks on digital channels, social media, radio, buses, trains and TV on demand and features four apprentices that are building successful and rewarding careers through their apprenticeships.

Minister for Welsh Language and Lifelong Learning Eluned Morgan said:

“As people await their exam results, this time of year can be uncertain and nerve wracking. Some young people have their future plans firmly in place but others may be less sure of what they want to do.

“We have developed a highly successful Apprenticeship Programme which offers high quality vocational training in hundreds of roles. The wide variety of courses and levels of qualifications on offer mean we are on course to meet the ambitious target of reaching 100,000 apprenticeship starts soon. Though this isn’t just about meeting targets; it’s about ensuring the right opportunities are being created in the right areas so that individuals, businesses and the economy can thrive. This campaign is contributing to this ambition by highlighting the opportunities that apprenticeships bring at a time when people need that information most.”

“I urge young people and their parents to take a look at the Apprenticeship Matching Service and see if The Answer is Apprenticeships for them.”

The Apprenticeship Programme is funded by the Welsh Government with support from the European Social Fund.