Wan Chai branch of Bonnie Vegetables and Fruit Wholesale Limited convicted for causing noise nuisance


     A vegetable chain stall operated by Bonnie Vegetables and Fruit Wholesale Limited in Wan Chai was convicted and fined a total of $8,000 by the Eastern Magistrates' Courts today (May 27) for contravening the Noise Control Ordinance (NCO) by causing noise nuisance to nearby residents with loudspeakers constantly playing promotional recordings.

     A spokesman for the Environmental Protection Department (EPD) said that the department received complaints earlier this year about a vegetable chain stall on Wan Chai Road persistently and repeatedly playing loud promotional recordings with loudspeakers, causing great nuisance to nearby residents. Staff of the EPD confirmed that the noise from the vegetable stall was causing nuisance after an investigation and an on-site assessment. The department subsequently prosecuted the stall under the NCO.

     The EPD has all along been closely monitoring the situations brought about by chain stores playing loud promotional recordings with loudspeakers in various districts. In addition to initiating prosecutions against chain stores not complying with the law, the EPD will also prosecute the relevant company directors if there are stores committing repeated violations. The situation of the above-mentioned chain stall has already considerably improved following the enforcement action taken by the EPD.

     The spokesman reminded persons responsible for retail stores and market stalls that when they play promotional recordings to attract customers, they should contain the volume within their store area and should not cause a nuisance to people outside their stores or nearby residents. Otherwise, it constitutes an offence. Offenders are liable to a maximum fine of $10,000. For stores with repeated contraventions, their company directors will also be criminally liable for the offence once convicted.

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