Wales increases recycling lead


Welsh Local Authorities recycled on average 63% of waste for the 12 months up to December 2016, compared with 59% over the same period from the previous year.

Altogether, 19 of the 22 Local Authorities in Wales increased their recycling rate by at least one percentage point, compared with October to December 2015. When grouped together rural authorities continue to have the highest recycling rate, with an average of 65% of waste recycled in the 12 months to the end of December 2016.

The latest figures follow a report released by Resource Magazine earlier this year, which ranked Wales third in the world for recycling.

Wales is now recycling double the amount it did a decade ago and continues to be used as an example of good practice for the rest of the UK.

Welcoming the latest statistics, the Cabinet Secretary for Environment and Rural Affairs, Lesley Griffiths said:

“Today’s statistics are encouraging evidence we are meeting the ambition set in our Programme for Government to further our lead over other nations in recycling and minimise landfill.

“The latest report shows we are still exceeding our statutory 58% recycling target and remain well on track to meet our 70% target by 2025. This achievement has not been easy, but we have made some significant changes and I would like to thank householders and Local Authorities for embracing these and making a real commitment to recycling.

“While this success is to be applauded, there are still challenges ahead. Half of all the rubbish collected from the kerbsides of households is easily recyclable material, with a quarter being food waste. It’s important we continue to work together to make sure this material is recycled so we can reduce the impact on the environment and reduce costs for Local Authorities.”

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