Voluntary Water Efficiency Labelling Scheme extended to cover water closets

     The Water Supplies Department (WSD) today (May 25) extended the voluntary Water Efficiency Labelling Scheme to cover water closets and invited applications for registration.
     The WSD launched the scheme in 2009 to further promote water conservation. Plumbing fixtures and water-consuming devices registered under the scheme are classified into four grades, with Grade 1 being the most water-efficient. Registered products bear a label that states their level of water consumption and water efficiency to help consumers choose water-efficient products to save water. Apart from covering water closets, the scheme has covered showers for bathing, water taps, washing machines, urinal equipment and flow controllers. As at May 15 this year, about 1 600 products were registered under the scheme.
     The WSD encourages manufacturers, importers and related parties in the water closet business to join the scheme. For registration, applicants just need to submit a test certificate issued by a recognised laboratory that proves the level of water consumption of their water closets together with relevant documents to the WSD.
     For details of the scheme, please visit the WSD's website (www.wsd.gov.hk/en/plumbing-engineering/water-efficiency-labelling-scheme/index.html) or call the WSD's hotline at 2824 5000.