Victory for Scottish Conservatives in drug-driving campaign


21 Apr 2017

Douglas Ross

Ministers have announced new measures to tackle drug-drivers – days after the Scottish Conservatives launched a campaign on the issue.

Justice secretary Michael Matheson said he would introduce new limits and roadside testing, a move that will finally see the system here catch up with that of the rest of the UK.

On Monday, shadow justice secretary Douglas Ross unveiled a campaign to introduce those very measures, pointing out how victims of drug-drivers and their families north of the border were missing out.

He welcomed today’s announcement, which will see new legislation in place by 2019.

Scottish Conservative shadow justice secretary Douglas Ross said:

“This is welcome news and comes after sustained pressure from the Scottish Conservatives for action.

“Under the SNP, Scotland was lagging behind other parts of the UK and the menace of drug-driving was going unpunished.

“We will keep the pressure on the SNP to ensure that these reforms are introduced speedily so that everyone on our roads is safer.”

To see the Scottish Conservative call from earlier this week, visit:

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