Vehicle stop checks on waste carriers carried out in Gloucester


Press release

Officers from the Environment Agency joined forces with Gloucestershire Police, the Driver Vehicle Standards Agency, Gloucester City Council and Tewkesbury Borough Council on Thursday 24 March to carry out roadside vehicle stop checks in Gloucester.

Environment Agency officer and a man talking to the driver of a lorry carrying waste

Giving advice about waste duty of care regulations

The team stopped and checked 16 waste carriers and commercial vehicles, giving advice about the waste duty of care regulations.  11 of the vehicles were carrying waste and, while 9 held a waste carrier registration, 2 were found to be carrying waste but were not registered.  Advice was provided to the drivers to register, and enforcement action is now being considered.

With the Easter spring clean on the horizon, the Environment Agency is reminding anyone looking for someone to take away their home or garden rubbish to check they are registered to do so. They should also ask where the carrier intends to take the waste and make sure they have been provided with a waste transfer note, as required under the waste duty of care regulations.

A spokesperson for the Environment Agency said:

We are dedicated to stamping out waste crime, but it is an ongoing battle against criminals who seek ways to undercut legitimate businesses at the expense of the environment.

Waste operators, including carriers, brokers and dealers, have to be registered to carry waste. However, there are those who operate illegally without being registered.

We all create waste, and we all have a responsibility to ensure our waste is handled legally and correctly so it doesn’t cause harm to human health or pollution to the environment.

Our advice to homeowners and businesses is to check someone is registered to take your waste away, by asking for the waste carrier’s permit number and confirming that it is listed in the register of waste carriers, brokers and dealers. You could be breaking the law and be at risk of prosecution if your waste isn’t managed properly.

To report any waste crime or a company is operating illegally, call the Environment Agency 24/7 on 0800 807060 or report it anonymously to Crimestoppers on 0800 555 111.

Check your waste collector is a registered carrier before you use them:

Published 5 April 2022

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