Varun Baker’s Contemporary Kingston Cityscapes talk

From the Curator of Museum Services at the University of Dundee :

Many of you will have enjoyed the photography exhibition Moving Jamaica we held in the Lamb Gallery at the end of 2018. 
Next week, the University will be hosting a talk by photographer Varun Baker, whose work was shown in the exhibition. His talk – “Contemporary Kingston Cityscapes.” 

It will be held on Tuesday (7th May) at 2pm (running to 3.15pm) in the Scrymgeour Building, Room 2.12, on Park Place. 
In this illustrated presentation, photographer Varun Baker reveals two sides of Jamaica’s capital city, Kingston, by showcasing extremes of humanity. 

On the one hand, there is a stark photo essay devoted to showcasing the life of a man who makes a living on Kingston’s streets despite having had both his arms and legs amputated. 

On the other is a series of portraits that show the more jovial side of Kingston’s city streets where people of all ages go out to experience, and enjoy “dancehall,” a phenomenon that has birthed several musical genres.
Varun is based in Jamaica, and his award winning photography is on display at the National Gallery of Jamaica, and many other international venues – see more here.
 The talk is free to attend and all are welcome!
The presentation has been made possible through generous support from the Strategic Development Initiative Fund, School of Social Sciences and the Geography programme, University of Dundee.