Vaccination leave for government employees after COVID-19 vaccination

     To further encourage government employees to receive COVID-19 vaccination as early as possible, government employees, from tomorrow (June 1) until August 31, will be entitled to a day of vaccination leave for each vaccination dose received so that they can have sufficient time to recuperate after getting vaccinated.
     All government employees including civil servants, non-civil service contract staff and post-retirement service contract staff will benefit from the authorised absence arrangement, provided that the vaccination is taken on or before August 31, 2021.
     "As the largest employer in Hong Kong, the Government has earlier implemented various measures to drive vaccination at full throttle, such as allowing staff to receive vaccination during duty hours and favourably handling applications for sick leave or vacation leave when staff experience side effects arising from vaccination, and adopting a vaccination in lieu of regular testing approach for front-line employees. While introducing the vaccination leave arrangement, we also appeal to employers of other enterprises to join the 'Early Vaccination for All' campaign by providing facilitation, where practicable, to their staff to receive vaccination, such as introducing vaccination leave arrangements, so that we can work together to build a protective barrier in Hong Kong as soon as possible through mass vaccination at this critical juncture," a spokesman for the Civil Service Bureau (CSB) said.
     Government employees who were vaccinated on or before May 31 this year, in recognition and appreciation of their support for the COVID-19 Vaccination Programme, will also be allowed to apply for one day of authorised absence that may be taken by March 31, 2022, for each dose already received.
     "The civil service plays an important role in the anti-epidemic effort. Whether in discharging their daily duties or in safeguarding the health of fellow colleagues or the people being served, it is the obligation of all civil servants to proactively receive vaccination unless there are medical reasons," the spokesman said.
     The CSB has issued a guideline on the above arrangements to Heads of Departments. All departments will announce to their staff at the soonest opportunity details of the application procedures and relevant arrangements.
     Meanwhile, starting from today, the vaccination in lieu of regular testing approach is being implemented for front-line government employees to safeguard their health. Front-line employees who have received the first dose of a vaccine and provided their vaccination record could be exempted from regular testing. Those who are not vaccinated are required to undergo COVID-19 testing using combined nasal and throat swabs on a biweekly basis.