Update on Stagecoach bus service 39 #dundeewestend

Further to the good news we reported at the end of August that, from this month, bus service 39 would have some journeys going via the far west end of Perth Road around Millbay Terrace, Millbay Gardens and Clovis Duveau Drive – an area completely lacking bus services in recent times.

We are pleased to say this welcome re-routing has now taken place. The first journey going towards Kingoodie in the morning is just after 0941 running until 1741 with return journeys into the city centre starting around 0915 running until 1615. The timetable is given below.

The City Council has agreed with our request that it works with Stagecoach to promote the service. We have also asked that the bus stop city centre-bound on Perth Road at Clovis Duveau Drive is reinstated, of benefit to both local residents and also visitors to the Riverside View Care Home.