Update from the Executive Director of the EUIPO

May 15, 2020 About the EUIPO

Update from the Executive Director of the EUIPO

The Executive Director of the EUIPO, Christian Archambeau, has released a video update on the current situation at the Office. Mr. Archambeau underlined today’s publication of the Guidance Note on the end of the extension of time limits, to assist users.

Mr. Archambeau also updated users on the Office’s successful use of videoconferencing during the current COVID-19 crisis, and confirmed that the first virtual Stakeholder Quality Assurance Panel meetings will begin next month.

EUIPO’s staff has been teleworking since 16 March, in accordance with the state of emergency declared by the Spanish government. Mr. Archambeau gave details on the first phase of the Office’s return plan, to be carried out in full compliance with health and safety advice.