“Unlocking the Secrets – The Science of Conservation at The Palace Museum” exhibition to reveal science behind relic conservation (with photos)

     To tie in with the 600th anniversary of the Forbidden City in 2020, the Hong Kong Science Museum is presenting the new special exhibition "Unlocking the Secrets – The Science of Conservation at The Palace Museum". Through the display of more than 100 artefacts of various types from the Palace Museum collection, ranging from bronzes, clocks, textiles, thangkas, wood furniture, lacquerware and inlaid works to ceramics, calligraphy and hand-painted copies of ancient paintings, the exhibition highlights the application of science and technology in conservation, as well as reveals the stories behind all the work.
     The exhibition also presents the work of the Conservation Office by showcasing intriguing restoration cases, including the conservation of the century-old No. 313 train coach and the China trade painting "The Emperor Holding Court in the Imperial Winter Palace, Peking". Visitors can learn more about the work and professional skills of conservators as well as their mission to preserve Hong Kong's heritage assets.
     To complement the exhibition, the Hong Kong Science Museum will launch a series of interactive family activities, including demonstrations and workshops conducted by conservators from the Palace Museum, guided tours featuring theatrical plays and storytelling to give a better understanding of cultural conservation work, visits to conservation laboratories, and unlocking the secrets of toys by making use of computed radiography. Through hands-on interaction, visitors will be able to deepen their understanding of exquisite traditional Chinese craftsmanship as well as the scientific principles and technologies applied in restoration of objects.
     The exhibition is jointly presented by the Leisure and Cultural Services Department and the Palace Museum, and jointly organised by the Hong Kong Science Museum, the Palace Museum and the Conservation Office. The exhibition is solely sponsored by the Hong Kong Jockey Club Charities Trust under the Hong Kong Jockey Club Series.
     The exhibition will run until March 18 next year and is being held at the G/F Exhibition Hall of the Hong Kong Science Museum, which is located at 2 Science Museum Road, Tsim Sha Tsui East. For details of the exhibition, please visit the website at hk.science.museum/ms/con2019, or call 2732 3232 for enquiries.

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