University students and teaching staff receive COVID-19 vaccination (with photos)

     The Secretary for the Civil Service, Mr Patrick Nip, visited Hong Kong Baptist University (HKBU) today (June 30). During the visit, he and the President and Vice-Chancellor of HKBU, Professor Alexander Wai, jointly viewed the administering of a COVID-19 vaccine on the campus to some 200 students and teaching staff of the university as arranged by the Government's outreach vaccination service.

     "HKBU has already made arrangements relating to COVID-19 vaccination or testing for its students and teaching staff for the new academic year in order to provide a safe and healthy learning and working environment for them amid the epidemic. Receiving a COVID-19 vaccine is the best way to reduce the risk of the possible spread of the virus in a crowded environment. I hope that more students and teaching staff will get vaccinated," Mr Nip said. 

     "Whether you are a secondary or primary school student, or a university student, when being in the same environment, all will bear the same risk of being infected with the virus. Getting vaccinated together will help provide mutual protection among each other."

     He called on various sectors and industries to join the Government in promoting the "Early Vaccination for All" campaign and encourage people to get vaccinated so as to help build an immune barrier in Hong Kong as soon as possible by significantly raising the vaccination rate, thereby restoring normality to society sooner rather than later.

     Should enterprises and organisations have a sufficient number of employees who would like to get vaccinated and a suitable venue with sufficient space, they can make use of the outreach vaccination service so that their employees can be vaccinated in a more convenient way. Enterprises and groups can call the hotline for the outreach vaccination service at 3904 1490 from Monday to Friday, from 9am to 6pm, for arrangements.  

     There has been enthusiastic support for the outreach vaccination programme since it was launched by the Civil Service Bureau. The bureau has provided the outreach vaccination service to the Hong Kong Sports Institute, global professional services enterprises, property developers, financial institutions, the construction industry, public utilities, a district organisation, a property management company and post-secondary institutions.

     Mr Nip expressed his gratitude to the medical team and administrative support staff of the Community Vaccination Centre at Yau Oi Sports Centre for providing the outreach service today.

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