University of Dundee exhibitions

There are two new exhibitions at the University of Dundee.

In the Lamb Gallery, the exhibition “Botanical Conversations” features highlights from the University’s amazing Herbarium collection, stunning botanical teaching charts and beautiful works of art inspired by plants. It describes the history of botany teaching at the University and also showcases some fascinating projects being carried out both here and at the James Hutton Institute.

Meanwhile, in the Tower Foyer Gallery, “Exploring our own Backyard” has been put together by the University of Dundee Botanic Garden and highlights the current project to revamp the Garden’s native plants area. 

This is the jewel in the Garden’s crown and is still unusual in botanic gardens, which traditionally showed little interest in their natives. Dundee’s garden is young, founded in 1971, and it was committed from the start to telling the story of Scottish plants and their ecology.
This exhibition also celebrates the work of William Gardiner, a working man from Dundee who became a distinguished botanist in the first half of the nineteenth century, and was the first to compile a flora of the local area, unique examples of which will be on display.

Exploring our own Backyard runs until 17th March and Botanical Conversations ends on 31st March. 

Opening hours are Monday to Friday 9.30am to 7pm;  Saturday 1pm to 5pm.   Full exhibition details are available here.

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