Universal Community Testing Programme extended for three days to September 14


     The Government has decided to extend the Universal Community Testing Programme (UCTP) for three days to September 14 after reviewing the data and experiences from the operation of the community testing centres as well as the public's demand for the testing service. The whole UCTP will run for 14 days.

     A Government spokesman said, "Starting from tomorrow (September 10), members of public can make online appointments for testing in the new time slots of the three days from September 12 to 14.

     "Moreover, after reviewing the use of the 122 community testing centres, the Government has decided to continue the operation of 57 community testing centres across all of the 18 districts (see the list of centres in the Annex) to provide the testing service to members of the public from September 12 to 14. The remaining centres will cease operation after September 11." 

     As at 2pm today, a total of about 1 362 000 persons had registered at the centres for testing since the launch of the UCTP on September 1, and a total of about 1 261 000 persons had successfully made online appointments. 

     To cut the transmission chain of COVID-19 in the community, the Government launched the UCTP on September 1 to provide a one-off free virus testing service for all citizens so as to identify asymptomatic COVID-19 carriers as early as possible and to achieve the target of early identification, early isolation and early treatment.
     Laboratory testing and surveillance are important elements in the Government's anti-epidemic work. The spokesman appealed to members of the public to fight the virus together and join the UCTP to protect themselves and others, with a view to winning the battle against the virus as soon as possible.

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