Press Releases: U.S. Citizen College Students Can Apply July 2 – 26, 2017 for Virtual Student Foreign Service eInternships

Media Note

Office of the Spokesperson

Washington, DC

July 3, 2017

The Virtual Student Foreign Service (VSFS) is the largest virtual internship program in the world. Managed by the U.S. Department of State, VSFS offers all federal agencies the opportunity to host remote interns. This year there are more than 1,000 vacancies with more than 30 federal agencies. VSFS offers unique mentoring and exposure to job opportunities within the United States, all without having to travel and physically report to an office.

Applications for the 2017-18 VSFS program are open between July 2 and 26,  on Meaningful work is waiting for U.S. college students across the Federal Government, including NASA, Smithsonian, State Department, CIA, National Parks Service, and others. You can see the projects offered at by clicking on “See All Projects” at the top. Students must follow the instructions on USAJOBS to apply.

Students play an important role in moving the government forward. There is something for everyone: graphic design, research, mapping, videography, history, analysis, marketing, community management, writing, calculation, policy planning, app development, and more.

eInterns spend ten hours a week from September through May working remotely on their projects. This is unpaid, volunteer work, but eInterns make connections that make a difference, gain valuable experience, and sometimes get course credit. VSFS is open to U.S.-citizen undergrad through PhD degree candidates taking classes full or part-time, in-person or on-line, at a university anywhere in the world.

Learn more at our website, Facebook, Instagram, LinkedIn, and Twitter. Have questions? Post them on our VSFS forum. Also, sign up to receive notifications about VSFS and other internship opportunities under Keep Me Informed, and check in with your regional Diplomat in Residence at your university.

For specific questions about the VSFS Program, please tweet us @VSFSatState ( or visit

Press Releases: Belarus National Day

Press Statement

Rex W. Tillerson

Secretary of State

Washington, DC

July 3, 2017

On behalf of the American people, best wishes to the people of Belarus celebrating Independence Day.

The United States remains committed to working with the government and people of Belarus to support the country’s sovereignty and independence, increasing respect for democratic institutions and fundamental freedoms, and promoting a thriving economy. Through continued diplomatic and people-to-people engagement, the United States and Belarus will work to advance the common interests of our two countries. ‎

As we mark this important day, I wish the Belarusian people a peaceful and prosperous year to come.

Press Releases: Burundi National Day

Press Statement

Rex W. Tillerson

Secretary of State

Washington, DC

July 1, 2017

On behalf of the Government of the United States of America, congratulations to the people of Burundi on the 55th anniversary of your independence.

We applaud Burundi’s ongoing commitment to international peacekeeping operations and recognize the positive impact its troops have had in Somalia.

The United States stands with all Burundians committed to peace and prosperity. As you reflect on your history and address the challenges of today, we send best wishes for a bright future.

Press Releases: Somalia National Day

Press Statement

Rex W. Tillerson

Secretary of State

Washington, DC

July 1, 2017

On behalf of the United States, best wishes on the occasion of Somalia’s 57th Independence Day.

Over the past four years, the Somali people have made an earnest effort to turn the tide toward a more stable path. We commend the Federal Government of Somalia for the advances made in the political process and security sector reform, as well as for its efforts to meet the urgent needs of its people caused by the ongoing drought. We hope the government will complete the constitutional review and lay the groundwork for a resilient country with a durable federal structure. A spirit of reconciliation must undergird this state-building process as Somalia moves forward to reclaim a brighter future.

The United States looks forward to strengthening our partnership with a Somalia that is advancing toward a more peaceful, democratic, and prosperous future.

Press Releases: Canada Day

Press Statement

Rex W. Tillerson

Secretary of State

Washington, DC

July 1, 2017

On behalf of the Government of the United States of America, congratulations to the Canadian people on Canada Day and the 150th anniversary of your Confederation.

The United States and Canada enjoy the most extensive and most integrated economic relationship of any two nations in the world. The almost 400,000 people and some $1.7 billion worth of goods and services that cross our border every day are a testament to the strength of our shared economies. We value the strong business ties between Canada and the United States. We will continue to work with Canada to strengthen and develop those ties even further.

Our relationship goes beyond economics. We are neighbors, partners, allies, and friends, working together to address opportunities and challenges here in North America and around the globe. Our shared values of freedom, democracy, and inclusion serve as beacons of hope to people throughout the world.

Our histories and cultures are inextricably intertwined, and we look forward to the opportunities our shared future will present.