Press Releases: United States Citizens Detained in Iran

Press Statement

Mark C. Toner

Deputy Department Spokesperson

Washington, DC

April 27, 2017

On the sidelines of the April 25 meeting in Vienna of the Joint Commission overseeing implementation of the Joint Comprehensive Plan of Action, the U.S. delegation raised with the Iranian delegation its serious concerns regarding the cases of U.S. citizens detained and missing in Iran, and called on Iran to immediately release these U.S. citizens so they can be reunited with their families.

According to reports, U.S. citizen Siamak Namazi has been unjustly detained in Iran since October 2015, and his 81-year old father, U.S. citizen Baquer Namazi, has been unjustly detained in Iran since February 2016. The United States is deeply concerned about reports of their declining health and well-being in detention. The United States urges Iran to immediately release Siamak and Baquer on humanitarian grounds.

It has also been more than a decade since Robert Levinson disappeared from Iran’s Kish Island. Iran committed to cooperating with the United States in bringing Bob home and we call on Iran to fulfill this commitment. The United States remains unwavering in its efforts to return Bob to his family.

Press Releases: Joint Statement on U.S.-Argentina Partnership on Cyber Policy

Media Note

Office of the Spokesperson

Washington, DC

April 27, 2017

Recognizing the benefits and risks of our increasing dependence on networked information systems for the daily functions of our society, the Governments of the United States and Argentina acknowledge the importance of cyber policy cooperation and express our intent to strengthen our engagement on cyber issues bilaterally, regionally, and globally.

In support of our shared goal to promote an open, interoperable, secure, and reliable Internet that fosters innovation and serves as a tool of economic and social development, the United States and Argentina intend to increase our cooperation in the areas of: cybersecurity, cyber defense, international security in cyberspace, and law enforcement responses to cybercrime, and to strengthen our collaboration on cyber issues in relevant international fora.

The United States and Argentina further intend to launch an intergovernmental, bilateral Cyber Policy Working Group to facilitate improved cooperation. This group can serve as a policy-level channel for identifying cyber issues of mutual concern and developing new joint initiatives. It is our shared belief that the establishment of this Working Group will strengthen and help protect the economic and security interests of our respective countries, companies, Internet users, and the global cyber community.

The Working Group’s first meeting will focus on key cybersecurity initiatives including the importance of developing national cyber policy frameworks; the critical role of Computer Emergency Response Teams in protecting networks and managing cyber incidents, information sharing and the protection of critical infrastructure, with an emphasis on public/private cooperation; strengthening the cooperative relationship between our military cyber experts; and ensuring effective and independent investigation and prosecution of cybercrime through cooperative law enforcement efforts such as the Budapest Convention. This group will also provide Foreign Ministry counterparts the opportunity to exchange views on cyber-related events, fora, and policy discussions.

Mr. Christopher Painter, Coordinator for Cyber Issues, U.S. Department of State, will lead the U.S. government interagency delegation that will include other representatives from the Department of State, as well as representatives from the Department of Homeland Security, the Department of Justice, the National Security Council, and the Department of Defense.

Mr. Jose Hirschson, Under Secretary for Technology and Cybersecurity, Argentine Ministry of Modernization, will lead this initiative for the Government of Argentina, partnering with representatives from the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Ministry of Interior, Ministry of Security, Ministry of Defense, and Ministry of Justice and Human Rights.

Press Releases: United States Urges Establishment of a Power-Sharing Government in Northern Ireland

Press Statement

Mark C. Toner

Deputy Department Spokesperson

Washington, DC

April 27, 2017

Today’s pause in talks to form a government in Northern Ireland allows time for planning a constructive, cooperative way forward. The United States urges all political parties in the region to establish a power-sharing government soon after talks resume in June.

The people of Northern Ireland deserve a representative, effective and responsive devolved government. It is vital to build on the political and economic progress made since the Good Friday Agreement, as well as to build a better, shared future for the region’s citizens. We appreciate the UK and Irish government’s ongoing engagement and continue to offer our strong support for peace, reconciliation, and prosperity in Northern Ireland.

Press Releases: On the Occasion of the Republic of Sierra Leone’s National Day

Press Statement

Rex W. Tillerson

Secretary of State

Washington, DC

April 27, 2017

On behalf of the American people, best wishes to the people of Sierra Leone as you celebrate the anniversary of your independence on April 27.

We value the continued partnership between our countries and the ties between our people.

The United States remains committed to working with your government to support Sierra Leone’s efforts to grow economically, strengthen its democracy, and ensure the well-being of all its citizens.

Congratulations on your 56th anniversary and best wishes for a year filled with peace and prosperity.

Press Releases: South Africa National Day

Press Statement

Rex W. Tillerson

Secretary of State

Washington, DC

April 27, 2017

On behalf of President Trump and the American people, I congratulate all South Africans as you observe the 23rd anniversary of Freedom Day.

On this day commemorating your first democratic elections, we reflect on South Africa’s legacy of political and economic leadership in Africa and acknowledge our strong and broad partnership based on shared goals of security, democracy, and prosperity.