President Trump Vows to Usher in Golden Era of American Energy Dominance

We will bring new opportunity to the heartland, new prosperity to our inner cities, and new infrastructure all across our nation. When it comes to the future of America’s energy needs, we will find it, we will dream it, and we will build it.

President Donald J. Trump


On Thursday, President Donald J. Trump joined Energy Industry Executives, members of Congress, and Cabinet Officials at the Department of Energy to deliver remarks on unleashing America’s boundless capacity for energy production.

“We’re here today to usher in a new American energy policy,” he declared.

The President explained that he is not only focusing on “energy independence,” but also “energy dominance.”

With that goal in mind, he outlined six concrete steps his Administration is immediately taking to promote strength and innovation in America’s energy sector.

“First, we will begin to revive and expand our nuclear energy sector, which produces clean, renewable and emissions-free energy. A complete review of U.S. nuclear energy policy will help us find new ways to revitalize this crucial energy resource.

Second, the Department of the Treasury will address barriers to the financing of highly efficient overseas coal energy plants. Ukraine already tells us they need millions of metric tons right now – and we want to sell it to them, and to everyone else who needs it.

Third, my administration has just approved the construction of a new petroleum pipeline to Mexico, which will further boost American Energy Exports.

Fourth, just today, a major U.S. company, Sempra Energy, signed an agreement to begin negotiations for the sale of more American natural gas to South Korea.

Fifth, the U.S. Department of Energy is announcing today that it will approve two long-term applications to export additional natural gas from the Lake Charles LNG terminal in Louisiana.

Finally, in order to unlock more energy from the 94 percent of offshore land closed to development under the previous administration, we are creating a new offshore Oil and Gas Leasing program. America will be allowed to access the vast energy wealth located right off our shores.”

These steps will benefit the American people in numerous ways, the President explained.

Our country will no longer be vulnerable to foreign regimes that use energy as an economic weapon; American families will have access to cheaper energy, allowing them to keep more of their hard-earned dollars; and our workers will have access to more jobs and opportunities.

“And this is only the beginning,” the President said. The Golden Era of American Energy is now underway – and all of you will be a part of creating this exciting new future.”

President Trump speaks at an Unleashing American Energy event

Press Releases: Release of FFM Report on April 4, 2017, Khan Shaykhun Sarin Attack

Media Note

Office of the Spokesperson

Washington, DC

June 29, 2017

Today, the Organization for the Prohibition of Chemical Weapons (OPCW) Fact¬ Finding Mission (FFM) issued a report confirming that sarin or a sarin-like chemical weapon was used on April 4, 2017, in Khan Shaykhun, Syria. The FFM’s conclusion is based on a wide range of information, including the results of analysis of biomedical samples taken from the victims and the surrounding environment, and extensive witness interviews.

The FFM report will now be conveyed to the OPCW-UN Joint Investigative Mechanism (JIM), the additional independent international expert mechanism established by the UN Security Council, to determine who is responsible for the attack.

The United States strongly supports the FFM and JIM efforts, which have been pursued in an impartial and highly professional manner.

The facts reflect a despicable and highly dangerous record of chemical weapons use by the Assad regime. Through its continued use of chemical weapons and its failure to destroy its chemical weapons program in its entirety, Syria continues to fail to comply with its legal obligations under the Chemical Weapons Convention (CWC) and UN Security Council Resolution 2118.

Press Releases: U.S. Department of State Releases Investment Climate Statements for 2017

Media Note

Office of the Spokesperson

Washington, DC

June 29, 2017

The Department of State today began releasing this year’s Investment Climate Statements, an annual report that provides economy-specific information and assessments on the investment climate in over 170 foreign markets.

The 2017 reports feature a streamlined format and focused content, reflecting the evolving landscape of investment conditions abroad, and drawing on the unique expertise of the Department’s economic officers working at our embassies and consulates around the world.

The Investment Climate Statements include examples of expanding openness to foreign investment and investor protections, as well as challenges and barriers to investment. Topics include: Openness to Foreign Investment; Legal Regimes and Transparency; Industrial Policies; Protection of Real and Intellectual Property Rights; State-Owned Enterprises; Responsible Business Conduct; Corruption; and Political and Security Environments.

The Investment Climate Statements help U.S. companies make informed decisions on doing business in foreign markets, and in doing so help increase U.S. exports and generate U.S. jobs.

The reports can be viewed at the following link:

Press Releases: Three Pipeline Presidential Permits Issued for U.S.- Mexico Pipelines

Media Note

Office of the Spokesperson

Washington, DC

June 29, 2017

Acting Assistant Secretary of State for Oceans and International Environmental and Scientific Affairs Judith G. Garber has issued Presidential permits for three NuStar Logistics, L.P. pipelines.

The permit for the New Burgos Pipeline authorizes construction, connection, operation, and maintenance of a new pipeline that has the capacity to deliver up to 108,000 barrels per day of certain refined petroleum products. It will cross the U.S.-Mexico border near Peñitas, Texas. New permits for the existing Dos Laredos and existing Burgos pipelines, which cross the border in Texas near Laredo and Peñitas, respectively, reflect a change in the name of the permit holder and authorize transport of a broader range of petroleum products than under the previous Presidential permits.

The Department of State reviewed NuStar Logistics, L.P.’s applications in accordance with Executive Order 13337 (April 30, 2004). As a matter of policy, the Department’s reviews were conducted in a manner consistent with the National Environmental Policy Act and the Department determined with respect to each application that implementation of the proposed project would have no significant direct, indirect, or cumulative effects on the quality of the natural or human environment.

In making her determination with respect to each application that issuance of the respective permit would serve the national interest, the Acting Assistant Secretary considered a range of factors, including but not limited to foreign policy; energy security; environmental, cultural, and economic impacts; and compliance with applicable law and policy. Among other considerations, the Acting Assistant Secretary found that issuance of each of the three Presidential permits would strengthen the bilateral relationship with Mexico and advance the economic and foreign policy interests of the United States.

Additional information concerning these pipeline facilities and documents related to the Department of State’s review of applications for Presidential permits can be found at

For further information, please contact Vincent Campos (202) 647-3423 or visit The Bureau of Energy Resources is on Twitter @EnergyAtState.

Press Releases: Readout of Special Presidential Envoy McGurk’s Trip to Syria

Media Note

Office of the Spokesperson

Washington, DC

June 29, 2017

On June 28-29, Special Presidential Envoy for the Global Coalition to Defeat ISIS Brett McGurk was in Syria to consult with local partners on the campaign to defeat ISIS. He also witnessed first-hand the humanitarian and stabilization assistance that is underway in liberated areas north of Raqqa, and held intensive discussions with local leaders and councils on post-liberation governance issues. Mr. McGurk also met with the Raqqa Civilian Council to discuss stabilization efforts in post-ISIS Raqqa.

Once Raqqa is liberated, it is critical that local officials from the area take over responsibility for post-liberation security and governance. We are working intensively with myriad local entities to prepare for this transition though, as Mr. McGurk noted throughout his visit, the battle to liberate the city has just begun. He also credited the bravery and sacrifice of the Syrian Democratic Forces in their ongoing operations against ISIS.

Mr. McGurk also visited Tabqa city, liberated from ISIS on May 10. While the city is still digging out from the terror of ISIS and the month-long battle to liberate it, Mr. McGurk met with local leaders coordinating assistance that has begun to flow, such as food deliveries, hygiene kits, relief items, and chlorine to provide safe drinking water.

He visited the Tabqa Dam, which ISIS terrorists held for three years as a headquarters and fortress. Since the dam’s liberation, it has been cleared of mines and work is underway to restore its operations to deliver electricity to surrounding areas. Mr. McGurk credited the courage of those who have worked to clear land mines and IEDs left behind by ISIS throughout Tabqa.

As we accelerate our campaign and territory is liberated from ISIS, the United States and other Coalition partners are supporting the UN and NGOs who are working to provide humanitarian assistance to vulnerable populations, and other actors that are working to establish basic security, re-establish essential services, and restore local economies to stabilize communities and allow Syrians to voluntarily return home. It is critical that we remain closely linked with partners on the ground to coordinate both military and civilian efforts to sustain momentum against ISIS.

In all of his meetings, Mr. McGurk emphasized the importance of unity of effort and local control of liberated areas following the ‎defeat of ISIS. He looks forwarding to welcoming all members of our coalition to Washington for meetings at the political directors level in July to organize and coordinate the next phases of our global campaign.